Cathedral of Helios Independent Study Project

cathedral of helios screenshot

Project Details

  • Year: 2015
  • Role: Level Designer & Programmer
  • Codebase: C++
  • Framework: Unreal Engine 4
  • Video Link

What is it:

Cathedral of Helios was a two person project that aimed to create a small level in Unreal Engine that would mimic the style and feel of the Realm of Torment in ArenaNet's Guild Wars universe.

What I did:

The project spanned a semester, with myself focusing on the initial greybox/level design, and programming and one other creating assets. For my part in the project I focused mainly on level designing, and learning more about node set ups in Unreal. I also helped Caleb spend considerable time building the final level.

What I learned:

What was really cool about the project is that I learned more about the Unreal Engine overall. I have never really utilized it before so it was a great experience. While working on the project I also learned about setting up materials in the Unreal Engine and programming using blue prints.

Hello Jello Ludem Dare 32 Entry

cathedral of helios screenshot

Project Details

  • Year: 2015
  • Role: Level Designer & Programmer
  • Codebase: C++
  • Framework: Unreal Engine 4
  • Video Link

What is it:

This game was made for Ludum Dare 32 using the Unreal Engine 4. Five people worked in total on the project and it was made under the theme "An Unconventional Weapon". Which in this case the player(s) are the weapons, and they are made of jello!

What I did:

I focused on the multiplayer aspect of the game and building the functionality for that. I also contributed to the design of the game during its production.

What I learned:

At this point I had made a level inside the Unreal Engine but not a full game, so this project was a fun experience of learning more about the Unreal Engine. What was also nice about this project was that at the same time I learned about multiplayer functionalities.